These are the instructions a candidate will receive before attempting the physical fitness test exercises.
For the physical fitness test, you have a time limit of two minutes to perform as many crunches as you can. It is important to note that you may rest in either the up or down position as long as you maintain the correct body position while resting.
POSITION: Lie on your back with your legs bent, your shoulders flat on the ground/mat, your head raised, and your feet on the ground/mat. Fold your hands across your chest and keep in contact with your shirt. A partner or an official counter of the same gender will hold your feet in place.
EXECUTION: Come up, bending forward until your elbows touch your legs or your forehead is directly in front of your knees. Your arms remain folded across your chest and your hands stay in contact with your shoulders/shirt. Return to the starting position, making sure that your shoulders touch the ground/mat before you begin the next repetition.
For the physical fitness test, you have a time limit of two minutes to perform as many push-ups as you can. It is important to note that no rest pause is permitted when you are performing push-ups. The exercise must be completed in a continuous motion.
POSITION – MALES: Place your hands, palms down, on the ground / mat with your thumbs directly under your shoulders. Hold your body in a straight line from your shoulders to your feet with no part of your body touching the ground / mat. Lock your elbows with your arms forming a straight line from your shoulders to your wrists. The official counter lies face down on the ground opposite you, placing his or her fist on the ground directly under your chin.
POSITION–FEMALES: Extend your arms to their full length with your hands and fingers pointing forward on the ground just under and slightly outside of your shoulders. Place your knees on the ground. Hold your body in a straight line from your shoulders to your knees with no other part of your body touching the ground / mat. Lock your elbows with your arms forming a straight line from your shoulders to your wrists. The official counter lies face down on the ground opposite you, placing his or her fist on the ground directly under your chin.
EXECUTION: You must keep your body tense and straight, bend your elbows and touch your chin on the counter’s fist. Return by pushing your body back to its original position so that your elbows lock straight before you begin your next repetition.
You will need pull-up bars, approximately 1 1/2″ outside diameter. There is no time limit for this event and you are permitted to rest, but in the down position only.
POSITION: Hang from the bar with your palms facing toward you or facing away from you. Your thumbs must be wrapped under and around the bar. Your arms and legs must be completely extended with your feet off the ground. You may cross your ankles to keep your legs together. You may change your grip location on the bar but not the direction of your palms.
EXECUTION: Pull your body straight up, placing your chin over the bar. Return to the starting position with your arms fully extended. Kipping is not allowed.
You will need pull-up bars, approximately 1 1/2″ outside diameter. Females are permitted to use a step stool or other assistance to get into position on the bar.
POSITION: Hang from the bar with your palms facing toward you or away from you. Your thumbs must be wrapped under and around the bar, and your chin over the bar. Your arms and legs must be completely extended with your feet off the ground. You may cross your ankles to keep your legs together.
EXECUTION: As soon as you are hanging from the bar without assistance the time keeper will start the clock. Hold your legs and body straight with your chin above the bar as long as possible. You may change your grip anytime during the exercise. When your chin is no longer above the bar, time is called.
Together with the minimum score, each candidate needs to run the mile without stopping and do at least two pull-ups or 15 seconds of hang time.
Devil Pups, Inc.
1895 Avenida Del Oro #4060
Oceanside, CA 92052
(760) 300-3532
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